Register a marriage venue application guidance

Approval holder responsibilities

Read a summarised list of responsibilities required of all approval holders along with the requirement to adhere to all conditions attached to the approval:

  • the ceremony room will be clean and tidy, as befits the occasion
  • the Registrar will require a chair and a table large enough to accommodate the marriage schedule as well as any floral arrangement that the couple have requested
  • burning candles or vases containing water will not be placed on the table provided for the Registrar
  • parking facilities will be made available for 2 vehicles (with permits if applicable)
  • the responsible person shall ensure that guests are ushered into the ceremony room at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony
  • the responsible person shall arrange for the Registrar to see the bride(s) or groom(s) or civil partners before the ceremony, allowing enough time for a prompt commencement to proceedings
  • the responsible person shall provide guidance to the party (if entering separately) before entering the ceremony room and work together with the Registrars to ensure the ceremony runs smoothly
  • when the couple have chosen to have recorded music played during the proceedings, the Responsible Person shall ensure that someone is appointed to control the music system during the proceedings
  • if the Registrar fails to arrive by 20 minutes prior to the start time of the ceremony (office hours 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday) you must action the emergency procedure by telephone: 07923 231251; outside office hours you should contact the emergency line on telephone: 07786 747859, who will contact another registrar to arrange for immediate cover

Further provisions you may wish to consider:

  • a lectern for the celebrant
  • water and glasses for the registration staff
  • tissues for the convenience of the wedding party