Register a marriage venue application guidance

Breach of condition and revocation

Any breach of condition is taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately.


An authority may revoke an approval if the holder has failed to comply with one or more conditions of the approval, or the use of structure of the premises has changed, and the premises are no longer suitable for any proceedings. On deciding to revoke the approval, the authority must deliver a notice in writing to the holder of the approval confirming its revocation.

The Registrar General for England and Wales may direct the authority to revoke an approval if they consider that there have been breaches of law relating to the proceedings on the approved premises. Before doing so, the Registrar General must write to the holder of the approval stating the grounds on which they propose that the approval should be revoked and providing the holder with a period of at least 14 days to make representations to them in writing. If, following consideration of any representations received, the Registrar General decides that the approval should be revoked they will direct the authority (in writing) to do so.

The authority must then revoke the approval with immediate effect and notify the holder of the approval that is has done so.

When an approval has been revoked, the holder of the approval must immediately notify any couples who have arranged proceedings on those premises that this is the case. The Superintendent Registrar will also notify the couple that the approval has been revoked and advise them that the certificates or schedule for the proceedings are no longer valid.