Terms and conditions

York Register Office Terms and Conditions

This website (ceremonies.york.gov.uk) is maintained by York Register Office. We take care compiling information for this website, however the content is not guaranteed.


We disclaim liability for injury, loss or damage arising from inaccuracies, omissions or interpretation of its content. If you believe any content to be inaccurate telephone: 01904 553190.

Although we aim to provide constant, uninterrupted access to this website, we do not guarantee this. We accept no responsibility or liability for any interruption or delay.

We may change these terms at any time, without notice, so you should revisit our terms and disclaimer regularly. We may also change and improve the information and services available on the website at any time.

This website links to 'external' websites (not managed by us). We have no control over the reliability or the content of external websites. Inclusion of an 'external link' is not an endorsement.

When you use this website, you are agreeing to accept these terms and conditions, and any additional terms on individual pages within the sites.

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You can ask for content to be removed from (ceremonies.york.gov.uk). We’ll remove content:

  • in order to comply with data protection legislation covering the rights and freedoms of individuals
  • if it breaches copyright laws, contains sensitive personal data or material that may be considered obscene or defamatory

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See further information about how we deal with:

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Read our Copyright Statement which explains how you can use our site content and how you can link to our information. You can also read more about association, endorsement and approval as well as the removal of content.

Read our Data Protection Policy Statement which outlines the behaviours and responsibilities expected in order to ensure that we continue to fulfil our data protection obligations.

Read our Privacy notice to find out how we protect your personal information.

We understand your concerns about security and make all reasonable efforts to establish secure connections between our systems. We feel these measures provide significant security for the information on our site, however, no system is unconditionally secure.

If you think you’ve found a security problem with one of our online services, contact our Security Team.

See our website accessibility information.

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