Ceremony Planner

Complete your Ceremony Planner

We’ll contact you and ask you to complete your Ceremony Planner approximately 8 to 10 weeks before your ceremony, to tell us about your ceremony choices.

Our Ceremony Planner eform allows you to tell us how you want your ceremony to take place, so the ceremony is bespoke to you.

The Ceremony Planner should be completed no later than 4 weeks before your ceremony, where possible.

Using our Ceremony Planner eform, you can confirm:

  • whether you want a marriage or a civil partnership
  • whether you are having a statutory ceremony (including the couple and just 2 adult witnesses only)
  • your ceremony date and time
  • your chosen venue
  • the number of guests who will be attending
  • details of any special needs, access requirements, translator, or sign language interpreter
  • guidelines on photography for your guests

Dependent on the type of ceremony you choose, you may be asked to confirm:

  • the names of witnesses, the person who escorts you down the aisle, and the ring bearer
  • choices of legal words, vows and announcements
  • your chosen names which you will adopt after your ceremony

You may be asked for details of chosen readings (authors and titles) and music (artists and song titles).

If you're providing details of readings, you must upload copies of the texts. These must be around 100 words or less.

Religious or explicit content is not permitted in your vows, readings, poems, or music choices.

Completing your Ceremony Planner

We strongly suggest you gather the required information and prepare copies of documents, such as chosen readings, ahead of completing the form.

The Ceremony Planner form will 'time out' after 10 minutes spent on each page. It's not possible to save a partially completed form, nor to retrieve information if the time out period is reached.

If you're unable to complete your Ceremony Planner online, or require support, please email: ceremonies@york.gov.uk.